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Showing posts from January, 2021

Dating with kids

 I'm getting in the shower this morning and I'm hit with the weirdest old thought process...  What's better: a divorce or a death? Sharing kids with an ex or having sole discretion? I'm not delving into that today, but I'm in the weirdest situation in my marriage.  It's hilarious. Lots of people live in separate places through the course of their relationships.  I never thought that'd be my reality, but Surprise!  Mine turned out to be like that. After months of him staying in hotels, he got his own place.  There's more to it than that, but that's the boil down.  Now, we're in this cool situation where we see each other about 1/2 the week and trying to carve out time for togetherness is now a challenge again; at the very least, it has to involve intention... that is actually something everyone could benefit from.  I hate it.  My first husband died and we were rarely separate... I never thought I'd be alone. Then I went through the whole datin