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Showing posts from March, 2020

Fantasy Annotation

Book Club Experience

Read Between the Wines... my kind of Book Club My very first experience in a book club was one I was bullied into.   I was a new English teacher at the high school I’d graduated from and they wanted me to attend.   One, I couldn’t say no… these were my new co-workers and I’m an English teacher, for goodness sakes!   Two, I really wanted to say no… these women were teachers that I was a student under; I really didn’t want to try to sound smart surrounded by all the woman that used to be responsible for my grades {terrifying!}.   It went well, I stayed silent, and I never returned, but blamed my busy motherhood on my inability to stay after and participate. As an adult, many opportunities have emerged for me to participate in book clubs, both as a leader and as a participant. It hasn’t been a consistent activity, but effort has been made.   I attended a book club as an add-on activity through my MOPS group that was basically a trainwreck (Seriously, nothing positive to say about i

Extra Integrated Advisory

Just wanted to share a tiny display we dreamed up today.  I'm so excited about it because it makes me giggle AND we didn't get it off Pinterest! :) What do you think? "Our leprechauns want to Spring some luck o'the Irish on you!! Take one home today!

Special Topics: Passive Readers' Advisory

I don’t know everything, but I do have a lot of deep-rooted opinions.   I feel that a lot of humans in 2020 are accustomed to finding information on their own and are less prone to ask for assistance.   I feel that plenty of people will follow the direction that they’re given.   I believe that one bad experience can often cloud an opinion and result in an unjustified, poor Google review.   I believe many people are mentally taxed and need a break so gentle nudges are appreciated.   I believe that the bulk of humans walking around these days needs entertained constantly due to their regular stimuli and this poses an interesting task to every business out there to stay interesting and relevant.   As a library director, these opinions coupled with my mission to push materials and stay a relevant, useful tool to the community means that I employ a lot of passive readers’ advisory at my branch.   Yes, patrons will often ask me for recommendations and I’m happy to accommodate them, but pas


Controversy and libraries are excellent friends.  My perspective on that is that I'm to remain neutral on the controversies surrounding materials and let my patrons be the judges.  This weeks' readings reminded me of the scandal of the 50 Shades of Grey books and my hesitation to buy them.  My chosen direction was to not purchase them until they were requested and the article I read about the series in American Libraries  somewhat backed that decision up.  At the time, I worked with two women in their mid 70s who were both highly conservative.  Imagine my laughter when the more reserved of the two left me a note, requesting the titles, touting their popularity, and speculating on how well they'd circulate due to the media buzz.  In stitches, I ordered the series, knowing she had NO IDEA what she'd just asked me to do.  Correctly so.  Her blush and embarrassment were priceless; the first patron to check them out brought them back within 15 minutes in utter horror; anoth