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Suspense Annotation

Blackstock, T. (2016). If I run. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Goodreads. (n.d.). If I run. Retrieved from

Wyatt, N., & Saricks, J.G. (2019). The readers' advisory guide to genre fiction (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: ALA Editions.


  1. I am really intrigued by your choice of suspense novel! I have read a few books by Terri Blackstock, but this one is new to me so I will have to add it to my "To Read" list. Personally, I like that her books (as well as Lynette Eason) are faith based and not as dark/gritty as other suspense novels. In this particular book, how much does faith play a role in the story? Would readers who enjoy clean suspense, but maybe not as much Christian based principles enjoy this one? Personally, whenever I think of clean suspense/thrillers, I think of Christian fiction because that is what I read, but I have had some patrons want clean but not entirely faith based and am having difficulties finding good suggestions for them!

    Overall, great job on your annotation! Thanks for the suggestion!

    1. It was an outstanding series. I took it home after patrons were rushing in to get the subsequent books, sometimes even the next day! They are all super fast reads. The faith component is present, but it's not overpowering or pushy. Small references to prayer and faith.

  2. I'm also intrigued by the faith-filled component. I would like to see more about that in an annotation, I think, if it's worth mentioning.

    1. Good advice. In this case, it's a clean read with a couple references to prayer, more than anything. Other books, like Francine Rivers The Masterpiece, where faith, prayer, scripture, and parallels to Biblical stories are woven through should definitely disclose that up front as readers might not want to feel like it's a necessary component. In this particular title, it's more a sprinkle and something adult readers could easily jump over, if they're not wanting that.

    2. Same here. I've had patrons ask me for books that mirror their faith but also let them experience what mainstream writing has, just maybe not so much of it - profanity, sexuality and so forth. I think for a lot of writers, they feel like they can't create the same pace without the same appeals as just any fiction, especially if they are trying to write to an audience that doesn't want it.

  3. If I Run was one of the titles I suggested in my prompt response this week. Glad to see an annotation of it now! I knew about Cozy Mysteries, but I didn't know about Christian Thrillers til this week. One thing that keeps me interested in reading and being a librarian is it seems like authors are always pushing the boundaries of what we expect to see, and blending genres in new and exciting ways. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Well you instantly had me intrigued with your summary! Your characteristics are spot on as well! Full points! Good work on engaging the comments and I liked that you went more into detail on what little faith aspects there were. Keep it up!


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