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Mystery Annotation

Galbraith, R. (2013). The Cuckoo’s Calling. New York, NY: Mulholland Books.

Goodreads. (n.d.). The Cuckoo’s Calling . Retrieved from

Wyatt, N., & Saricks, J.G. (2019). The readers' advisory guide to genre fiction (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: ALA Editions.


  1. Ah- the old private detective route- classic mystery right there. This book does sound really interesting, and I have to admit that I have looked at the title more than once on a library shelf. I guess next time I should just read it! Good annotation.

  2. I read this book when it came out and the ending made me SO MAD. No pressure if you're worried about spoilers, but I'd love to know what you think about how things turned out. Also, a lot of people seem to have gotten into this field partially due to a love of Harry Potter, so I think it's really cool that you picked Robert Galbraith as your mystery choice. What did you think of Rowling as a mystery writer? Great annotation!

  3. Great annotation! You did a great job on the summary and an amazing job on the characteristics. I'm waiting for the next book in this series to come out already! Full points!


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